Artillery Fortification Battery East

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, be patient, wait while it downloads. It is only 25k for the applet, 10k for a script, 25k for the first picture - about 60k. You will be rewarded with a walk from Battery East toward Golden Gate Bridge. It is interactive: to turn right, left, or go forward click on the picture. Problems? Get Java here.
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Climb upon the deck. This is a great vista point to enjoy Golden Gate Bridge and the bay. Moving forward on the right you can see brick-lined powder magazines to hold and protect guns ammunition. Rodman cannons were emplaced here.

Through the tunnel you are getting to another overlook. Proceed along the trail. Another overlook is nearby. The great view of the bridge and Fort Point below. Evening pictures. At the next stop you are at the very end of the bridge. You have a choice to go under the bridge toward Battery Boutelle or turn left and come to the Golden Gate Bridge entrance. If you turn left there, you come to the place where really big World War II cannons were placed. Proceed, and you get to the plaza where all tourists come to start walking across the bridge. You can see the gift shop, Joseph Strauss memorial, a section of the main cable. Joseph B. Strauss, 1870-1938 was "the man who built the Bridge", chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge, 1929-1937.

Once you cross the bridge, you can visit Battery Spencer. The large hill nearby is protecting Battery Construction N129, it is a WWII fort. ( This hill is visible behind Fort Point. )

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