D minor chord over A minor guitar scale, PAD
Available PAD in the key C - Am: Help | Home | Explanation | Memorize efficiently | Success without memorizing!
Notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B
Triads of C major scale: C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim, tetrads: Bm7b5, G7
Triads of A minor scale: E, other: A
C blues scale C7, F7, G7
Chords over C major scale: C, G, F, Em, Am, Dm, Bdim
Chords over A minor scale: Am, Dm, E, G, C, F, Bdim

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D minor over A minor scale guitar PAD shows opportunities to improvise on top of the chord. It also helps to memorize chord notes in relation to the scale.

The revolutionary "Perfectly Aligning Guitar Frets and Strings with Notes on a Staff" method let you memorize music notation, chords, and scales at no time. Finally, the method of no sweat, no tears, only enjoyment !

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