Muir Woods Virtual Walking Tour

Virtual Tours > California, CA > San Francisco > Muir Woods > Presented by Yes San Francisco, LLC
Guest Book

This Virtual Walking Tour has 92 pictures inside. It is made with technology which allows you to interact with images, navigate around. You can move forward, turn, look closer. Visit the park entrance, gift shop, Redwood Creek, Bohemian Grove, Cathedral Grove, Fern Creek Trail, Camp Alice Eastwood,
Bootjack trail


Please, be patient, wait while it downloads. It is only 25k for the applet, 10k for a script, 25k for the first picture - about 60k. You will be rewarded with a tour all around Muir Woods National Monument - 92 pictures. It is interactive: to turn right, left, or go forward click on the picture.
[Esc] - come back,  [z] or [Ctrl] - where can I click?,  [s] - toggle auto walking


This tour is available on CDROM with large 500x752 pictures:
The CD also includes Mission Dolores Virtual Tour and a huge San Francisco tour

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